Kontakt z nami

A lush, green landscape filled with clusters of trees. The trees have a mixture of vibrant green and some brownish hues, suggesting varying stages of life or seasons. In the distant horizon, wind turbines are visible beneath a bright blue sky scattered with fluffy clouds, indicating renewable energy usage.
A lush, green landscape filled with clusters of trees. The trees have a mixture of vibrant green and some brownish hues, suggesting varying stages of life or seasons. In the distant horizon, wind turbines are visible beneath a bright blue sky scattered with fluffy clouds, indicating renewable energy usage.

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Zapraszamy do kontaktu z naszą fundacją zajmującą się odnawialnymi źródłami energii i ochroną środowiska. Jesteśmy tutaj dla Ciebie!


Płk. Stanisława Dąbka 203 / E8, 81-155 Gdynia, Polska


pn-pt: 9-17